Wednesday, January 29, 2014

25 and 26 week update

How far along:
25 and 26 weeks

Baby is the size of a:
Zucchini(25) weeks and now Eggplant/Aubergine(26 weeks), these veggies are getting confusing as every app seems to have a different one each week.
She's 35cm long now! Crazy!

Total weight gain:
A total of 9lbs now, the weight gain needs to slow down again please!
(25 weeks)

(26 weeks)
Maternity Clothes?
Nothing new

Stretch Marks?
None caused by pregnancy ;-)

Pretty good, though I could do with a bit more of it.
Last night I woke up every couple of hours for no reason whatsoever

Best moment of the Week:
I'm still amazed when I can see movements from the outside.
Also receiving the most stunning rainbow coloured muslin cloths and my order in the post. Due to a damage to the packaging I ended up getting a full refund($40!) on the muslin cloths, so that was even better :)

Lots, she seems to be most active around 11pm/midnight and late mornings

Food Cravings:
Salt & Vinegar crisps(potato chips)

Belly Button in or out:

Girl, I'd like to book another scan to confirm though as I don't get anymore free ones at the hospital now

*Ugly varicose veins
*Bad back pains, as you can see in my pictures above, I have terrible posture.
*Nose bleeds, well not proper nose bleeds, but for about a week I had a really runny nose and it was bloody every time I blew it.
*My tummy is also getting hard from time to time.

Anything Making you queasy or Sick?
Nothing really

Have you Started to Show yet?
I think strangers still just think I'm fat, which is why every morning on the bus the men push past me to get to the seats.

What I miss:
Not seeing enough of my partner
What I'm looking forward to:
My girlfriend's sister is in labour right now! So I'm looking forward to some baby cuddles. 

What I'm not looking forward to:
The uncomfortableness of the third trimester, I'm really nervous about it!


Sunday, January 19, 2014

23 and 24 week update

How far along:
23 and 24 weeks

Baby is the size of a:
Grapefruit(23 weeks) and cantaloupe (24 weeks).
I read that she's 30cm long now, which I just find amazing, it still feels like she's often curled up in a ball.

Total weight gain:
1 more lb over the past two weeks, so a total of 5lbs
(23 weeks)

(24 weeks)

Maternity Clothes?
I've gone and bought a pair of over the bump maternity jeans, which looked a bit scary and huge in the shop, but they're super comfortable, nothing digs into my tummy anymore. I do have to use a safety pin to make them slightly smaller, as the tummy band is still a bit loose.

Stretch Marks?
None caused by pregnancy ;-)

Pretty good, still not waking up at night to use the bathroom either.

Best moment of the Week:
Seeing my belly move the other day, I'm bigger so didn't think I'd see it this early on

Lots, she seems to be most active around 11pm/midnight and late mornings

Food Cravings:

Belly Button in or out:

Girl, I'd like to book another scan to confirm though as I don't get anymore free ones at the hospital now

My tummy is definitely starting to feel heavier.
I'm also more tired, though not as exhausted as in the first trimester

Anything Making you queasy or Sick?
Nothing really

Have you Started to Show yet?
No stranger has asked me yet

What I miss:
Not getting out of breath so easily

What I'm looking forward to:
My order arriving :) 

What I'm not looking forward to:
Will get back to you on that


Thursday, January 2, 2014

21 and 22 week update

How far along:
21 & 22 weeks

Baby is the size of a:
Carrot(21 weeks) and Papaya (22 weeks) though, they must mean US sized fruits, the papayas I've seen in the shops here are only 4 inches big ;-)

Total weight gain:
4lbs as I have eaten a lot over the Christmas time

(21 weeks)
(22 weeks)

Maternity Clothes?
So far only one 'under the bump' pair of maternity jeans and a pair of maternity tights, which make me look very pregnant, but this weekend I'm going to get fitted for new bras(finally) and get the pair of 'over the bump' jeans I tried on last week

Stretch Marks?
No new ones yet

Pretty good

Best moment of the Week:
Announcing my pregnancy on Facebook on Christmas day and receiving lots of lovely comments and messages

Lots of wormy baby movements :)

Food Cravings:
Nothing really

Belly Button in or out:

Girl, though we weren't able to confirm at 20 weeks

I feel like I have a brick in my tummy and my right leg is hurting due to varicose veins forming :( 

Anything Making you queasy or Sick?
Nothing really

Have you Started to Show yet?
No, still just look a bit fatter

What I miss:

What I'm looking forward to:
Going to start buying more clothes for baby, so that's exciting.

What I'm not looking forward to:
I told my employers this week that I am pregnant and they are hurt that I have kept it from them for so long, as well as keeping my relationship private, so I think the next couple of weeks will not be fun, while they are getting used to it all.