Thursday, December 11, 2014

Long overdue 6 months update


20lbs, she is now between the 91st and 98th percentile, same for height, so at least it's fairly proportionate.
She does have the cutest, chubbiest little thighs I have ever seen...

She's a healthy girl, her cousins have been a bit poorly but so far she has been just fine other than a bit of wind as an infant and some teething.
Now at 6 months, she has her first cold, but she's not too whiney, which we are very grateful for though I do feel sorry for her when I can hear her snuffle at night.

Cheeky Chops

I stopped breastfeeding shortly after our trip to Germany in September, so around the 4 months mark. We are both happy with that and she's doing well on formula. She will go about 4 hours between feeds during the day.
At 26 weeks(5 days before she was 6 months) we started solids. She loved her porridge straight away and carrots went down a treat as well. We have tried porridge, mango, apple, banana, peach, carrots, butternut squash, parsnip and swedes(rutabaga).
At 29 weeks she is now on three meals a day, porridge with fruit when she first gets up and mixed vegetables for lunch and dinner.

We went through the dreaded 4 months sleep regression and her nighttime feeds were getting earlier and earlier, but luckily we seem to be out of that, so now she is back to sleeping from 7pm-3/4/5am at which point I feed her half a milk feed and change her nappy, then she goes back down until 7am.

Her daytime sleep improved by 4 months when we moved her from her crib to her cot and she started having 2-3 lovely naps in her bed.
She tends to sleep 45-90 minutes each time, but she has had a couple of 3 hour naps too!
At 6 months she is currently dropping her 3rd nap around 5pm, so we're dealing with a bit of fussiness at that time of the day.

Putting her to bed is really easy, she settles on her own and goes to sleep quickly.
She still refuses a pacifier and sucks her thumb instead.

Pampers Baby Dry size 4

She was only in 6-9 months for a short amount of time, now she's mainly in 9-12 months clothing

We are doing a baby sensory class every week, which involves lots of singing, textures, lights, sounds. We really love it.
Also I was really looking forward to our baby massage class, we both enjoyed that. Now that Emilia is older we have graduated to Baby Yoga classes, which sadly is coming to an end this week.

She went though a little phase of stranger anxiety, but it seems we are past that for now, only one of our friends seems to still terrify her, we don't really know why, but Emilia cries the minute our friend gets near her.
When we went to Germany at 3.5 months, Emilia wasn't too sure of my mum, her Oma, but then 2 months later when she came to see us, Emilia loved her.
*her Jumperoo
*Baby Einstein take along tunes, it's her favourite toy and one I will be giving as present from now on!
*anything that makes a noise or lights up


*having her nappy changed
*getting dressed

2 days before her 6 months birthday, she finally rolled over and now she won't stop. But she only rolls to her right and once she's on her front she gets very frustrated and annoyed, so she whines.
Also that same week, 3 teeth came through! Then a couple of days another one started appearing. Poor little pixie :( No wonder she's been going through so many dribble bibs.

When I stopped breastfeeding, I had already reduced the feeds slowly, replacing one feed with a bottle every couple of days, so luckily I had no problems when I fully stopped. I got one lump about 5 days after I finished expressing, so I had to pump one last time, then that was that...
Regarding the weight, I have been a bit naughty and have put on a couple of pounds, being home all day means I have treats nearby, so I might have overindulged a little bit.
I feel a bit lazy, my sister-in-law looked fab 6 months after she had my nephew and everyone in my partner's family is tiny, so I'm the only overweight one.

Must go on a diet, after Christmas, at some point ;-)

Fun things we did:
Going to Germany as a family when Emilia was 3.5 months old. She did really well again on the flight.

Emilia and I have also taken 2 trips to London, which involved a 2 hour train journey followed by a 45 minute subway ride. We stayed in a hotel and visited my friends, so fun and I really do miss my friends a lot.

What we are looking forward to:
Emilia's first Christmas

What we are not looking forward to:
My maternity pay will finish at the beginning of January, then we will really need to watch our money.
We were thinking of joining the rest of the family on a trip to Florida, but not sure we can afford it.
I have been trying to find a family needing childcare, so I can help them out while still looking after Emilia, but since I don't drive, it hasn't been easy.