16 weeks
Baby is the size of a:
Total weight gain:
2lbs in the last week, so now I'm back to the weight I was when I found out I was pregnant.
Maternity Clothes?
I’m wearing 'fat' jeans but they're unbuttoned now as well. I bought a pair of Maternity Jeans on ebay, but they kept falling down, the 'under the bump' style doesn't suit my shape and I'm too small for over the bump.
Stretch Marks?
No new ones, though to be honest, not sure I'd notice one more ;-)
Much better than the first trimester, though I still need more than pre-pregnancy. Don't even wake up every night to go and pee
Best moment of the Week:
Ultrasound on Sunday, immediately seeing the heartbeat on the monitor.
Nothing yet.
Food Cravings:
Meat, red meat in particular, which is strange for me!
Belly Button in or out:
Finding out in 12 days, fingers crossed baby cooperates
I keep getting headaches, will talk to my midwife about that on Friday. Nausea also still there, I tried going without my sickness tablets for a day and felt like I was going to projectile vomit by the evening. So I guess I better renew my prescription.
Anything Making you queasy or Sick?
I still can't figure out what makes me feel sick
Have you Started to Show yet?
I'm getting chubbier around the middle. I was bigger to start with(BMI 31) so now it just looks like I've eaten a bit too much
What I miss:
Eating whatever I want without having to consider how it might make me feel.
What I'm looking forward to:
Finding out the gender and for my partner to attend her first ever ultrasound.
What I'm not looking forward to:
Telling work about my pregnancy.
So, on Sunday I had a cheeky little scan to calm my nerves and baby was being rather camera shy, so I have no lovely new pictures to show you.
Baby was all curled up, so they made me empty my bladder to see if it would help, but the little one stayed in the same position, the sonographer joked and said it looked like it was driving a car.
We listened to the heartbeat(156 beats per minute), which sounds just beautiful.
Let's hope baby is a bit more awake for the gender scan on the 1st of December and doesn't keep it's legs crossed like it did for the 12 week scan.
Baby was all curled up, so they made me empty my bladder to see if it would help, but the little one stayed in the same position, the sonographer joked and said it looked like it was driving a car.
We listened to the heartbeat(156 beats per minute), which sounds just beautiful.
Let's hope baby is a bit more awake for the gender scan on the 1st of December and doesn't keep it's legs crossed like it did for the 12 week scan.
Can't wait to hear what you're having! I'm amazed that you haven't gained anything overall, last time I checked I was 10lbs heavier than pre-pregnancy! :)