Tuesday, November 12, 2013

15 Week update

Boy oh boy, how can I be 15 weeks pregnant already?

So, last thing I mentioned on here was that I was feeling awful, this basically continued from week 6/7 all the way up to 13 weeks, I started taking sickness tablets around 11.5 weeks and finally stopped throwing up at night. Before that I would feel absolutely awful all day long and then throw up the minute I walked into my flat, never even giving me enough time to take off my coat.
Then I would basically pass out on the sofa, hardly ever eating dinner and sleeping as much as I could.

I ended up temporarily losing 10lbs, but have now put most of that weight back on.

I felt very depressed about feeling so sick, tired and basically useless, I had so little energy I don't even know how I managed 10/12 hour days at work.

But now that's all mostly behind me, I still feel nauseous, but not 24/7 and haven't thrown up in 3 weeks.

I had my 12 week scan and the little bean measured 3 days ahead, so I am now due on the 6th of May, making me exactly 15 weeks today.

I continue to worry all the time that something is going wrong, so for my own sanity, I have booked yet another private scan for this weekend. My 5th scan already!
Then we're having a private gender scan at 17 weeks plus my last NHS scan at 20 weeks, hopefully after that I can feel the baby moving, helping me relax a little.

I'm starting to get excited, I still haven't told anyone in real life other than my partner and 2 friends, the poor grandmother to be is still clueless, she will be thrilled!!
I have somehow managed to hide it at work, despite having to take three sick days, one at 6 weeks and 2 at 11 weeks, when I finally begged the doctor for some tablets.
I am not thin to start with, so having not gained any weight yet has been helpful with keeping this little secret.
My work are likely to be very awkward about it, so the longer I can keep it from them, the better.

But now to the most important part, the 12 week mug shot :)

I am in love with the little pouty lips in the close up of the face, my partner says baby definitely comes after me :)

They measured the fluid under the skin in the back of baby's neck, then they took my blood to calculate the risk of this baby having down syndrome.
We got our results about 10 days later and the odds are 1:100000, so amazingly low!

Will post another update after the weekend, when I've had my 15 week scan.

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