Wednesday, January 29, 2014

25 and 26 week update

How far along:
25 and 26 weeks

Baby is the size of a:
Zucchini(25) weeks and now Eggplant/Aubergine(26 weeks), these veggies are getting confusing as every app seems to have a different one each week.
She's 35cm long now! Crazy!

Total weight gain:
A total of 9lbs now, the weight gain needs to slow down again please!
(25 weeks)

(26 weeks)
Maternity Clothes?
Nothing new

Stretch Marks?
None caused by pregnancy ;-)

Pretty good, though I could do with a bit more of it.
Last night I woke up every couple of hours for no reason whatsoever

Best moment of the Week:
I'm still amazed when I can see movements from the outside.
Also receiving the most stunning rainbow coloured muslin cloths and my order in the post. Due to a damage to the packaging I ended up getting a full refund($40!) on the muslin cloths, so that was even better :)

Lots, she seems to be most active around 11pm/midnight and late mornings

Food Cravings:
Salt & Vinegar crisps(potato chips)

Belly Button in or out:

Girl, I'd like to book another scan to confirm though as I don't get anymore free ones at the hospital now

*Ugly varicose veins
*Bad back pains, as you can see in my pictures above, I have terrible posture.
*Nose bleeds, well not proper nose bleeds, but for about a week I had a really runny nose and it was bloody every time I blew it.
*My tummy is also getting hard from time to time.

Anything Making you queasy or Sick?
Nothing really

Have you Started to Show yet?
I think strangers still just think I'm fat, which is why every morning on the bus the men push past me to get to the seats.

What I miss:
Not seeing enough of my partner
What I'm looking forward to:
My girlfriend's sister is in labour right now! So I'm looking forward to some baby cuddles. 

What I'm not looking forward to:
The uncomfortableness of the third trimester, I'm really nervous about it!


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